Help - Factorio Locale String Editor

◆ Work Progress

◆ Menu Information

◆ Changelog

◆ External Links

◆ Work Progress

1. Copy texts from the full version of .cfg file under the locale folder of an Factorio mod extraction, and paste into "original" section of this app.

2. (optional) Copy texts from the incomplete version of .cfg file of same mod or translating mod, and paste into "localised" section of this app.

3. Press "generate missing" to filter keys not included in "localised" section. See "compare" section to see output.

4. Translate texts in "compare" section in your way.

5. (optional) To use translation software, press "tag line number" and then "detach key names" to exclude key names not to be translated. Press "attach key names" to go back to original format.

6. Press "merge with localised" to merge "compare" text into "localised" text, your final result will be ready in "compare" section.

* All progress need to be done while maintaining text in "original" section.

* Saving and undo features are not supported. Frequently use 3rd party text editor to keep your texts.

◆ Menu Information

-?:This help page
-word wrap:Turn on/off automatic line feed for long sentences.
-generate missing:Generate "compare" text with keys not in "localised" but in "original".
-generate difference:Generate "compare" text with values in "localised" not same to "original", excluding missing keys.
-generate identical:Generate "compare" text with keys and values exactly same in both "localised" and "original".
-tag line numbers:Insert line number in front of each lines for all 3 sections.
-untag line numbers:Revert "tag line numbers".
-detach key names:Remove key names and leave only values in text of "compare" section. "tag line numbers" is needed to remember original keys.
-attach key names:Reattach key names to text processed by "detach key names", refering data in "original" section.
-merge with localised:Refering data in "original" section, merge "localised" with "compare" and put final result into "compare".

◆ Changelog


- Recognise dot"." in key names.


- Warns if nothing merged from "compare" when using "merge with localised".
This will prevent accidental using "merge with localised" before reverting "detach key names".


- "detach key names" & "attach key names" will now recognise things like "__ABCD_E1F2_G3H4__", for example, "__CONTROL_STYLE_BEGIN__".


- Hotfix when using "generate difference" with "original" texts in higher priority generate wrong values.

- Hotfix category key & sentence key names can contain "#" character.


- "detach key names" & "attach key names" now handle "\n" character with exclusive emoji and give ability to convert/revert with line breaks.

- Parser now remembers how many empty lines before each line in "original" section, and mimic even empty lines of "original" when generating "compare" texts.
Now full key copy of "original" text in "compare" can have exactly same line count and sorting order, even when "original" have random empty lines here and there.


- Possible to choose priority among "original" and "localised" when using "generate difference".

- Light/dark mode automatically switches by device's light/dark setting. (If browser & OS supports)

- "detach key names" & "attach key names" are now convert special words (ex: \n, __1__, [/color], etc...) into emoji to avoid them to be translated by tranlation software.

- Changed description of "generate difference" function from "including" to "excluding".


- Open to public

- Category parser hotfix

◆ External Links

- github repository